
Why we moisturise

Can you believe in all this time of Audrey & Elizabeth (6 years this month!), I have never written about moisturiser and why we use it? I know! It seemed a bit surprising to me as well.

For many, a skincare routine started with a simple moisturiser. But as we give more attention to skincare, the focus now often seems to be on serums and treatments, rather than this fundamental step.

The foundation of skincare: vitamins A and C

We’ve gone through a variety of skincare ingredients (azelaic acidferulic acidniacinamidesqualane) in recent editions of Wellness Words to help you understand how to target specific skin issues.  This time we're talking about a dynamic duo: vitamins A and C.  I believe these two fundamental ingredients belong in every skincare regime.

Looking for something new to try?

When I see clients for facials, we always discuss skincare routines as I want to be sure they maximise their homecare programme.  Between these conversations and Wellness Words, I find myself consistently referring to products I know will make a difference.  So I thought it would be helpful to create a reference section on my website.

A few of my favourite things

It’s the time of year where lists recapping the best of the past 12 months are everywhere.  And because I love a list, I’ve used this concept to inspire skincare items that I can’t be without.  Well, let’s be generous and call them skincare-related, remembering that I believe good skincare is the foundation on which everything else is built.

Summer skincare

Summer’s long, warm days encourage us to spend time doing activities specific to the season and as a result, we often curtail some of our regular routines, like skincare.  You’re probably wearing less make-up than normal, which may mean you spend less time cleansing and treating your skin each day.  In an attempt to maximise your outdoor fun, here are some summer skincare practices I like to employ to keep my skin looking good throughout the season.

What's the fuss with Korean skincare?

Magazines and the internet abound with information about skincare innovations courtesy of Korea.  A big focus has been on the 10-step (or more!) routine that many women there follow on a daily basis.

When do I apply? How much do I apply? Do I have to wait?

With so many skincare treasures to use on our faces, I am often asked about the order in which to apply products, the amount to use and whether waiting between steps is necessary.  I thought it might be helpful to collate the information, so you have an easy reference point.

Do you: apply facial essence?

We’ve made it through Blue Monday (hurrah!) and while the days really are getting longer (sunset isn’t till 4:27 pm today), chilly temperatures let us know we’re still in deepest, darkest winter. 
With all the time we’re spending indoors right now, I find this season to be perfect for supersizing my skincare routine.  While I still advocate a basic skincare practice, shortened daylight hours inspire me to apply face masks more regularly and spend extra time on facial massage.  I’m also loving the addition of a new product to my routine: facial essence.

Wearing more layers? It's time to change your skincare

For most of us, our daily skincare regime is as routine as brushing our teeth.  And while well-established habits make it easy for us to accomplish a task, as the weather changes, it’s important to re-examine what you’re using on your skin to be sure it’s right for what you need at the moment.