
How to deal with extra bags

One morning last week, I woke up with extremely puffy eyes.  This isn’t how I regularly greet the day, so at first I thought this was just another joy of ageing.  

Then I remembered that my hormones had convinced me to ingest a LOT of salt the day before.  The result was fluid retention, most of which seemed to be trapped in my eyes.  Enhanced no doubt because I’m a stomach sleeper.

My favourite masks

Happy New Year!  Hope you enjoyed the festive season and are excited about the start of 2019.  I can’t believe it’s this time again!
What I also can’t believe is how many masks I had hiding in my bathroom cupboards!!!  When I started Merry Maskmas, I knew I had enough masks to make it into a thing, however I had no idea that I would trial and share thoughts on more than 30 masks!

Winter skin saviours

Although we may not be at the winter solstice yet, the weather outside is starting to look frightful.  And playing havoc with our skin.
I have written before that as the seasons change, so should our skincare.  Hopefully, you’ve already taken notice of this and have upped your skin hydration game as needed.  What can get missed in this seasonal exchange is body care, which I wanted to make note of today.

How many masks can I do?

While working my way through autumn adieu, I tackled my bathroom cupboards as well as my closet.  And because I never met a sample I didn’t like, I found a healthy stash of stuff on the shelves.  

I keep my sample and travel sizes organised into broad categories like skincare, haircare and make-up.  However, it became apparent that putting everything skincare into one shoebox (ok, maybe there was more than one) made it difficult to peruse and use my options.

The foundation of skincare: vitamins A and C

We’ve gone through a variety of skincare ingredients (azelaic acidferulic acidniacinamidesqualane) in recent editions of Wellness Words to help you understand how to target specific skin issues.  This time we're talking about a dynamic duo: vitamins A and C.  I believe these two fundamental ingredients belong in every skincare regime.

Fading what the sun leaves behind

Now that summer is officially over, you may be noticing a few lingering dark spots on your face, hands and chest, even after your beach glow fades.  This is known as pigmentation and is a direct result of sun exposure, specifically UVA, or ageing, rays.  

Looking for something new to try?

When I see clients for facials, we always discuss skincare routines as I want to be sure they maximise their homecare programme.  Between these conversations and Wellness Words, I find myself consistently referring to products I know will make a difference.  So I thought it would be helpful to create a reference section on my website.

Spotlight on: ferulic acid

As the end of summer approaches, you may be thinking about the effect that sun has had on your skin over the past few months.  It’s easy to see the damage we do when our skin burns.  However, what we can’t see in real time is how UVA damages our skin and this is what brings us to today’s spotlight ingredient: ferulic acid.