Spotlight on: peptides

I’m continuing my series on skincare ingredient information so that you’ll know more the next time you make a purchase. Today, I want to explain why peptides are important.
Peptides are fragments of proteins which create a foundation for our skin.  Without them, skin loses firmness and bounce, wrinkles appear and skin texture changes.  Not only can peptides help bolster how skin looks, they also remind skin how it behaved before the age of 25.

Here comes the sun

You know I never miss an opportunity to talk about sunscreen as skincare.  It is key component of even the most basic routine and I believe it is one product no one should go without.  So when social media told me that May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, I knew this was my chance to return to my favourite topic.

Skincare from hairline to boobline

Whether you have a simple skincare routine or one that involves extra steps like eye creamserumessencemaskretinol and acid, where you apply your skincare is as important as what you apply.  Whenever you’re doing your routine, I urge you to include your neck and décolleté along with your face.  

More than a foot massage

I was at the hairdresser’s recently and found myself offering some reflexology advice to help one of the stylists with the back issues he was experiencing.  I didn’t set to work on his feet, but I did show him the area on his hands to alleviate pain and help the body to reset.  I encouraged him to continue doing it for 30 seconds to a minute a few times a day until he felt relief.

Seeing the light

You may have read about about LED (light-emitting diode) treatments that answer a variety of skin issues including acne, rosacea and life lines on social media and in beauty mags.  Have you wondered whether the technology actually works?  After all, the tools are not inexpensive and professional treatments require very regular appointments.  Well, based on my personal experience and research about how it works, I can say yes, it does achieve results.

Is this a 5-minute facelift?

You probably have an exercise routine to help keep you muscles strong and toned, however have you thought about toning the muscles in your face?  Defined muscles help ensure gravity isn’t completely successful in making everything on our bodies slide south.  And this is where micro-current might become your face’s new bestie.

How to deal with extra bags

One morning last week, I woke up with extremely puffy eyes.  This isn’t how I regularly greet the day, so at first I thought this was just another joy of ageing.  

Then I remembered that my hormones had convinced me to ingest a LOT of salt the day before.  The result was fluid retention, most of which seemed to be trapped in my eyes.  Enhanced no doubt because I’m a stomach sleeper.

What's your monthly focus?

How’s 2019 going so far for you?  Have you made resolutions?  Are they still happening?  Or have they been abandoned?
I’m not a big resolution maker because I haven’t found them to be highly successful in my life, though I do like the concept of the fresh start to the year.  With this in mind, I’ve been inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project and 26 Habits from Emma Gunavardhna to create what I’m calling Monthly Focus.