
More than a foot massage

I was at the hairdresser’s recently and found myself offering some reflexology advice to help one of the stylists with the back issues he was experiencing.  I didn’t set to work on his feet, but I did show him the area on his hands to alleviate pain and help the body to reset.  I encouraged him to continue doing it for 30 seconds to a minute a few times a day until he felt relief.

Transitioning to a new season

Have you awakened this morning with the same feeling I had?  How can it be September 1st?  Didn't summer just begin last week?  How did we get here so quickly?  Autumn is around the corner, whether we’re ready for it or not.  (Full disclosure: I am currently maximising my summer.  As you read this, I am finishing up my beach holiday, taking in as much Vitamin D as I can – with proper sun protection, obviously!)