Have you awakened this morning with the same feeling I had? How can it be September 1st? Didn't summer just begin last week? How did we get here so quickly? Autumn is around the corner, whether we’re ready for it or not. (Full disclosure: I am currently maximising my summer. As you read this, I am finishing up my beach holiday, taking in as much Vitamin D as I can – with proper sun protection, obviously!)
What you should (and shouldn't) eat to keep your skin looking great
Last time, I wrote about key skincare ingredients to help you look radiant. While applying the right products to our skin is important, equally important is what we eat. Our epidermis is built from within and the creation of our skin cells is dramatically affected by what we put into our bodies.
Perhaps you’ve experienced a breakout or redness the morning after the night before. While this immediate impact may help you make better dietary choices in the future, it’s also important to know that eating some foods may not show on your skin immediately, but lasting impact is happening internally.
Why water should always be your first beverage of choice
Recently, I had a conversation with a client about cleansing and hydrating waters for the skin (see my post on micellar and thermal waters if you want to learn more). This segued into the importance of internal hydration and I realised how many client consultations reveal that we aren’t always reaching the goal of consuming 2 litres per day.
The one anti-ageing product you can't be without
Spring is coming!
With the arrival of each season, we have an opportunity to pause and contemplate the past few months. It can be quite easy for days to blend into weeks into months and this is how we find an entire year slips by too quickly. I would like to suggest you take some time at the start of this season (and each season this year) to acknowledge the change that's happening.