
Playing footsie

As the weather gets warmer and our wardrobe changes, so does our footwear.  After months of socks, tights and boots, the idea of sandals and flip flops is welcome.  However, you may be thinking your feet aren't quite ready for the big reveal.  One obvious solution to prepare them is with a pedicure, however in the same way that a facial should be supplemented with good skincare at home, your feet deserve regular attention as well.

Invest in your skin today

If you look almost anywhere these days, you’ll find ways to “solve” many skincare issues.  Whether you want to lighten pigmentation thanks to too much sun, remove the “11s” between your brows that make you look permanently angry or lift what is falling, there seems to be a product or treatment that can “reverse” the ageing process and / or undo damage you may have inflicted on your skin during the folly of youth.

A secret weapon for your skincare arsenal

Have you had one of those “uh-oh” skin moments?  Where your reflection in the mirror isn’t quite what you hoped it would be.  Perhaps your skin looks dull, you see a spot getting ready to erupt or a new line appearing.  If you’re wondering what to do, I have a suggestion for you: add acid to your skincare routine.