What’s on your summer schedule?

How are you doing?  How’s it been going?  What have you been doing to stay sane lately?

As we look forward to the bank holiday weekend, now would normally be the time that I start to think about summer.  Then I remember how different it will be this year when compared to those we have had before.  So while we might not be able to take the holiday we had planned, we can develop a list of summer fun to look forward to.  

Now more than ever, I think we need need activities to excite us, particularly when every day can feel so similar.  To this end, I’m resharing a seasonal concept that I’ve talked about before: design your summer.

Need some ideas to get you started on your own list?  How about: 

— Mixing a different cocktail each week to “share” with a friend over Zoom
— Varying your indoor exercise routine with one that takes advantage of good weather outside
— Creating a movie night to view summer blockbusters with appropriate cinema-style snacks

Over the past couple of months, we’ve had a chance to adjust to life as we currently know it, however summer is a special season and we don’t want to miss the chance to make it feel such.

If you’ve planned your summer before, I’m sure you’ll agree that this summer’s plan looks decidedly different.  I know you’ll come up with fresh ideas to sustain you over the coming weeks.

And when you’ve had a chance to think about it, tell me, how will you be designing your summer?