Spotlight on: CoQ10

I was looking for a new body lotion recently and saw one featuring CoQ10.  And while it seemed to be a big deal on the packaging, I honestly wasn’t completely familiar with the benefits of this ingredient and so thought my research might be worth sharing with you.
CoQ10 or coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant created by our bodies to combat free radicals, such as pollution and sunshine.  It’s helpful in protecting our skin during everyday life.
Topical application of CoQ10 can even out skin tone by fading and preventing dark spots while stimulating elastin and collagen production, which plumps skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines.
When boosted internally, by consuming meat, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, strawberries and pistachios, CoQ10 energises skin cells and repairs damaged cells to ensure they are healthy.  This helps cells to use nutrients effectively and flush out toxins.
As with pretty much everything else, ageing and stress can slow down its production, which is why supplementing through skincare and diet can be helpful.
For me, I like the addition of this ingredient in body lotion.  Anything to help natural production when it slows down!  And while having it in facial skincare is also good, I personally prioritise a serum with Vitamin C to combat sun damage and even skin tone, rather than CoQ10.  It’s a nice addition in a moisturiser, but isn’t my primary reason to buy it.

All that said, consuming foods rich in CoQ10 is a great to help cell energy, repair and growth.  This is a key component to good skincare.  And since it's readily available in a lot of what we eat every day, I'm glad to boost my production internally. 
Do you use anything with CoQ10?