It’s that time of year when having sun-kissed skin seems mandatory, but if you truly care about your skin, you know this isn’t the best course of action. Sunscreen every day for face and body in the summer: it’s the best skincare there is.
This knowledge doesn’t really eradicate the desire for bronzed, glowing skin, though, does it? Luckily, sunless tanner can come to the rescue. And because at home application can be tricky to master, I thought I’d offer my top tips for a great fake bake.
Some planning is required
My worst sunless tanning incidents are due to poor preparation and lack of time. However, when I spend a bit of extra time to get it right, it’s always worth it. The fast-drying, quick-acting sprays and lotions are great, but they still need the canvas to be primed before application can begin.
The day before sunless tanner is applied, a thorough oil-free exfoliation is recommended to smooth and even out skin. Oil-free exfoliator is key because oil residue on skin can lead to uneven application. Shaving is also a good idea as it is a form of exfoliation.
After exfoliation and just before application, apply body lotion to the areas that can be dry and absorb colour unevenly, specifically hands (wrists to fingertips) elbows, knees and backs of feet.
Cover your hands
One of my best self-tanning discoveries is using a mitt for application. It allows me to apply with zeal, without the unwanted bonus of tan palms. I also find mitts give me more control and result in more even application than if I’m just applying with my hands. At the start of each summer, I will buy a couple inexpensive foam mitts and use them throughout, rinsing in between usage. At the end of the season, I toss them and replenish the following year.
Elbows, ankles and fingers
During application, save elbows and ankles for last. These areas tend to absorb too much colour before you know it, so rather than touching them on the first pass, coat them after colour has been applied everywhere else.
Also, a little bit of cream in between fingers (make a claw to get in there), helps to make your colour appear more natural overall because your hands will blend with your body.
Keep your cool
When you’re applying self-tanner, it’s important to be in a cool environment. There’s nothing worse than putting in all the prep, nailing the application but sweating your way through it, which will result in unwanted streaking.
And if your product of choice needs some time to absorb, blast your body with the cool setting on your hair dryer. This is particularly helpful if you’re trying to get dressed sooner rather than later.
Do you have any favourite self-tanner tips? And what’s your favourite self-tanner?