vitamin a

The foundation of skincare: vitamins A and C

We’ve gone through a variety of skincare ingredients (azelaic acidferulic acidniacinamidesqualane) in recent editions of Wellness Words to help you understand how to target specific skin issues.  This time we're talking about a dynamic duo: vitamins A and C.  I believe these two fundamental ingredients belong in every skincare regime.

Do you: use retinol?

Whenever I’m asked about skincare, I inevitably suggest products containing Vitamin A.  This dynamo ingredient strengthens skin, stimulates collagen and elastin and locks in moisture.  Retinol is a super-strength form of Vitamin A and while it requires patience during usage, the results truly justify its delicate handling.

Always read the label

I’ve written previously about establishing a skincare routine, which I am sure you have down pat now!  When you chose the items to use in your routine, it is likely that you selected tried and true brands that you have known and loved for years.  Or maybe something recommended by a mother, sister or friend.
But have you ever had that moment when you feel like your favourite item isn’t working like it used to?  This is generally because your skin adjusts to the ingredients in the product and over time, the moisturiser (or whatever the item in question is) doesn’t have the same effect.  When you go on the hunt for a replacement, it’s worth selecting something with ingredients that will really benefit your skin.