seasonal change

Cold weather care for your body

British Summer Time is officially over and the outside temperature definitely seems to have gotten the memo.  Sure, there are still pockets of warmth in the sunshine, but early mornings and dark evenings have more chill in the air.
During this confusing fashion time (Is it time for boots?  Are gloves overkill?), I’m transitioning my body care to keep it hydrated during the colder months when there’s less humidity in the air, even if my skincare hasn't quite required facial oil yet.

Prolonging your summer glow

With summer holidays over and autumn rolling in, you are probably trying to preserve any colour the sun brought out in your skin.  However you also may have noticed that where you once saw bronze goddess, you skin is now looking a bit dull.  Here are a few things you can do to savour your tan and keep you J-Lo glow.