Why water should always be your first beverage of choice

Recently, I had a conversation with a client about cleansing and hydrating waters for the skin (see my post on micellar and thermal waters if you want to learn more).  This segued into the importance of internal hydration and I realised how many client consultations reveal that we aren’t always reaching the goal of consuming 2 litres per day.
Sure we know drinking water is important.  I thought it might be worth reviewing why we need it in the hopes that this habit will be better integrated into our lives.
Our body is nearly two-thirds water so regular consumption of this clear liquid keeps our bodies digesting food, regulating body temperature and eliminating toxins and waste, among many other functions. 

Did you know we expel at least 4 glasses of water daily through standard activities like breathing, perspiration and urination?  And this number goes up in warm weather or during a particularly challenging workout. 
It’s tough to measure this liquid loss if we’re not in a laboratory, so luckily our bodies do this automatically for us.  If you’ve ever felt thirsty, this is your body sending a signal that water levels are low and you need to replenish, asap. 
Or maybe you've had a water-retaining moment? This is also a sign that you haven’t consumed enough.  The swelling you see is a result of the body holding onto any water it can to keep things working, until it is replenished.  Once fluid levels have been restored, tissues can release what they’re holding and things return to normal.
Some water benefits you may not know about
While caffeine may be your energy boost of choice, next time you need it, consider drinking water instead.  Whether it’s an afternoon slump or feeling tired near the end of your gym session, hydration feeds your brain and muscles and can provide just the bit of pep that you need, without caffeine’s side effects.
Water can also provide relief for a pounding head, aching joints and muscle cramps, all of which can be caused by dehydration.  Rather than reaching for a pain reliever, try a glass of water first.
Supporting the body’s largest organ
The appearance of our skin is also dependent on water consumption.  In fact, we can apply all the moisturiser we want to our face, but if we aren’t getting enough water internally each day, our skin will look and feel dehydrated.
How to know?  Dehydrated skin shows any one or more of these signs: it’s dull, flaky and feels tight. Superficial lines are more visible and bags under the eyes are more prominent.  Pores are more easily seen and the nose appears red.
On the other hand, if you’ve been diligent about your 8-a-day, your skin will look and feel plump and glowing.  As a bonus, well-hydrated skin is less likely to get irritated or breakout.
So that's why you need plenty of water each day.  Still finding it tough tactically to reach your goal?  Consider these tips:
Schedule your drinks: plan to consume one glass of water immediately on waking and then one 30 minutes before each meal.  These 4 glasses alone will get you halfway to your daily goal.
Reduce stress: when you choose water as your first morning beverage, rather than coffee, this helps keep cortisol (your stress hormone) in check.  Doesn’t that sound like it would make for a better day, no matter what you have in the diary?
Broaden your options: herbal teas as well as fruits and vegetables such as melon, citrus, cucumbers and celery can help you to reach your goal.  It doesn’t have to be all water!
Add flavour: consider adding a slice of lemon or lime, a bit of mint or cucumber or even a strawberry to your glass for a more flavourful sip.  If your add-ins have a chance to infuse in your water (say in a water bottle), you’ll experience a richer taste. 
For the first couple glasses I drink in the morning, I add a combination of essential oils for flavour and to help get my lymph system moving.  You can see my recipe on Instagram.
Reach for your phone: here’s a chance to use the smart aspect of your phone to support your wellness and self-care.  There are many apps available for iOS and Android to track your consumption through the day.
Keep it handy: half the battle of keeping a good habit going is setting up the right steps to get it done.  This is why I love to take a water bottle with me whenever I leave the house.  For short trips, I love this little guy
If I know I’ll be out for several hours though, I definitely need something larger, like this option.  If you keep a 1-litre bottle on your desk and fill it just twice, you’ll hit your daily consumption target.
One for you, one for you: when indulging in your favourite tipple, be sure to alternate each adult beverage with a serving of water.  And don’t forget to have one last glass when you get home before you turn the lights out to help you avoid waking up dehydrated.
Do you get your requisite 8-per-day?  What’s your favourite tip to be sure you do?  Or what will you try to reach your goal?